Microcontroller Development Kit Info

Multiple courses use the Microchip microcontroller programming development kit.

Students who check out the kit from BELS must return the kit in good working condition to BELS in Baskin Engineering Room 40 or Room 66 no later than the end of finals week.  There is also an after-hours dropbox available 24/7 on the exterior of the Jack Baskin Engineering building near the loading dock. To see all return options visit


Students who fail to return the kit by the due date listed below will be billed a $30 late fee and $1/day after a five-day grace period. These late fees are non-refundable. Eventually, you will be billed for the full cost of the kit ($150) in addition to any accumulated late fees.

BELS will also rent kits to researchers or students for personal use if supply allows for $35/qtr.