Fabrication Lab Access, BE-138

Note: Student access to fabrication lab is limited to the hours between 7 am to 10 pm unless directly supervised by Gabe Elkaim, Teaching Assistant Staff of Gabe Elkaim or BELS Staff Engineers.

Table of Contents and Quick Links

I.  Fabrication Lab Access Guidelines

II.  How to Request  Access 

III.  Checkoff List

IV. Standard Operating Procedures

V.  Links to Online Training

VI. Fees

I.  Fabrication Lab Access Guidelines

Before you can get access to BE-138, you must complete several safety-related tasks. These tasks are split into two groupings. EVERYONE is required to complete all of the tasks in Group 1, independent of the equipment you want to use. The tasks for Group 2 are started after completing all of Group 1's tasks, are equipment dependent, for example, tasks related to the use of the laser cutter.

Group 1 (to be done first)

A. Take a BE-138 Fab Lab Orientation from BELS Staff
All personnel requesting access must receive from BELS staff a short orientation in room BE-138. During this orientation, BELS staff will explain the rules of use for BE-138 and review safety-related requirements for the use of the space. After the orientation, the user will fill out and sign an online Google form where they will affirm that they understand and agree to adhere to the rules of the BE-138 Fabrication Lab. The user must fill out this agreement form annually. At the end of July, fab lab orientations must be redone.

B.  PPE Use Required
All personnel using the lab are expected to use personal protective equipment (PPE) when using any tools or equipment in the lab. If PPE is not available in the lab, contact BELS staff immediately and do not continue to use tools and equipment. Exactly what PPE is required is found in the relevant SOP and is outlined in the orientation. At a minimum, PPE requirements include long pants and closed-toe shoes, which you need to provide and wear. For your safety, sandals, flip flops, high heels and bare feet are not permitted.

When operating the laser cutter, you must wear a blue flame-retardant lab coat. Provided in BE-138 are two coats of various sizes (small, medium, large, x-large).

C.  Complete the UC Learning Center e-course "Laboratory Safety for Research Personnel." 
All personnel accessing the lab must be current in the UC required "Laboratory Safety for Research Personnel" training. Training is good for three years and then must be refreshed. The LHAT system will track your UC training courses. You can log in and check your current status at will.  (requirement suspended)


D.  Certify the Hazard Assessment for the Fabrication Lab on the Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) 
All personnel accessing the Fabrication Lab must have certified the hazard assessment on LHAT for this space. The hazard assessment is reviewed and updated periodically, and you will need to recertify the assessment when this update occurs to continue to have access to the space. Those who are on the LHAT roster at the time of an update to a hazard assessment will be contacted automatically about the update.

E. Fire Extinguisher Training Required. (An annual requirement)
All personnel using the BE-138 space must complete an approved online fire extinguisher training course. While there is a quiz at the end of the training module linked below that is NOT the quiz you need to complete. The training module quiz, however, is good practice for the real quiz linked below. 

Fire Extinguisher Online Training   (fireextinguishertraining.com. The quiz at the end is for practice only)

Quiz for Fire Extinguisher Training (Student takes this quiz)

Group 2 (for those wanting use of laser cutter, drill press and/or scroll saw)

A. Laser Cutter Training.
A new replacement laser cutter was installed Jan 13, 2015.  The new laser cutter is similar to a loaner unit that was in place from Oct to Dec 2014; however, is slightly different.   All personnel must receive updated training on the replacement cutter as some functions and button locations have changed, and the new unit has some additional features not found on the prior unit.

Laser cutter training is only valid for six months and is maintained by Gabe Elkaim and his lab staff designate. After six months, recertification on the laser cutter and resigning the SOP is required to continue using the laser cutter.

Limited Hours of Operation: Laser cutter may only be used from 7 am to 10 pm Monday to Friday. These are the approved hours by the Dean of Engineering and EH&S. Use of the laser cutter outside of these hours is only allowed by or with the presence of Prof Gabe Elkaim and his designated research staff.

Cut Only Approved Materials. Cutting materials and thicknesses not specifically authorized in the SOP is not allowed as this has resulted in fires in the past.

B. Tool Specific Hands-On Training Required;  Read and Signed Copy of Equipment Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Personnel using the laser cutter, drill press, or scroll saw must have completed separate hands-on-training, signed (electronically) the most current SOP, and be currently on the approved list.

II.  How to Begin a Request for Access (Individual Access Only)

Email:   bels-request@soe.ucsc.edu

Subject: BE-138 Fabrication Lab Access - <your name>

State why you need access, what class you are in if any, also whether you have completed any equipment specific training in the past.  Note, laser cutter training is only valid for six months. After six months, recertification on the laser cutter is required.

IIB.   Request for Access (Course Access - Lab Sections)

Course instructor should begin preparation by contacting BELS 90 days in advance of course and schedule lab sections for the BE-138 lab.  

Email: bels-request@soe.ucsc.edu

Subject: (course number) BE-138 Fabrication Lab Scheduling  (Quarter - year)

Starting in Spring 2015, lab courses seeking to use the Fab Lab must schedule section times there.  Scheduling ensures that other project users can be assured access at during unscheduled times.

The course instructor or TA should supervise all lab sections. Lab supervisors must complete all training requirements. All students admitted into the fab lab must also complete the necessary training and orientation.  

III.  Checkoff List 

1.  Fab Lab Orientation 
2.  UC Laboratory Safety for Research Personnel E-Course
3.  LHAT Assessment Certification
4.  LHAT PPE Certification
5.  Fire Extinguisher Training Certification
6.  If using the laser cutter, a signed laser cutter SOP and laser cutter training within the last six months.
7.  If using the drill press, a signed drill press SOP and drill press training.
8.  If using the scroll saw, a signed scroll saw SOP and scroll saw training.

 IV. Standard Operating Procedures

Laser Cutter SOP - Laser Cutter Focus Technique - Laser Cutter Fall 2016 Amendment_Approved Materials

Drill Press SOP and Manual (note manual is for model DP101 and model DP100 is the model in use, but these models are closely related)

Scroll Saw SOP and Manual

V.  Links to Online Training

UC Learning Center 

Laboratory Hazard Assessment Tool

Fire Extinguisher Online Training   (fireextinguishertraining.com. The quiz at the end is for practice only)

Quiz for Fire Extinguisher Training (Student takes this quiz)

VI.  Lab Use Fees.

BSOE students may use the lab as part of their supervised BSOE laboratory course, where the course requires the use of one or more of the equipment located in the fab lab. If not in a supervised BSOE laboratory course, then a quarter lab access fee will be required. This fee is used for equipment maintenance and not supplies. You will still need to provide your supplies (laser cutter material, circuit boards). Senior design series courses are considered supervised BSOE laboratory courses.